Woman dies in lift crash after delivery. Today India

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A new mother lost her life in a lift accident in a hospital in Meerut. The accident occurred when the lift cable broke during the dynasty. Two employees were also injured along with him. Sad family members, forcing the transfer of 13 other patients, opposed the hospital and vandalism. Officers are investigating technical faults, if proven to be negligent, it is at stake with the hospital license. #Liftaccident #HOSPITALTRAGEDY #NEWSALERT #PATINTSAFETY #HEALTHARE #CITYNEWS #Justice Today, subscribe to India for new videos every day and make sure to enable push notifications so that you will never miss a new video. You just need to press the bell icon next to the subscribe button! India today TV is the leading English news channel of India. India today offers the latest news videos on YouTube channel politics, business, cricket, Bollywood, lifestyle, auto, technology, travel, entertainment and more. Stay for the latest updates and intense analysis of news from India and around the world! WhatsApp Channel: https://whatsapp.com/channel/0029va2anw3jenxxg7oujv00 download app: https://indiatiday.link/whaj follow us: The official website: https://www.india.in/ Twitter: https: https: // . com/india facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Indiayat

sourceBy Imtiyaz Alam Journalist

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